Day 1

It comes as no surprise that when you want to start a company to build something, there is a fair amount of work involved in just getting the company itself set up !  I've spent the last month taking care of a variety of tasks to get 8 Byte Technology up and running and ready to work.  It's been an interesting and educational experience.  I've gained a new appreciation for the business management aspect of running a company !  Here's a rough list of some of the things I've worked on, in no particular order:

  • Figured out a name for the company
  • Learned about corporations
  • Registered some domains
  • Started a Delaware corporation
  • Obtained a federal tax ID
  • Held a board meeting
  • Registered my corporation in California
  • Found a small Office to rent
  • Learned how to use QuickBooks
  • Opened a bank account
  • Purchased and assembled a computer
  • Learned about Azure Directory
  • Reviewed firewall products
  • Got a phone number and a phone
  • Made a corporate logo
  • Ordered business cards
  • Learned how to use WordPress
  • Made a web site
  • Made a facebook page
  • Made a twitter page
  • Added tax due reminders to my calendar

I moved into my office on Feb. 1.  Having an office seems like a bit of a luxury (why not start in my garage?).  However, after working hard in an office and goofing off at home for most of my career, I was having a surprisingly difficult time transitioning to doing work at home.  Having an actual office has been very productive for the first 2 weeks.  I've done a solid job of working hard while I'm here, and I'm making some good progress.

In a few more days, I should be ready to start actually working on the first project (a game).  I have visual studio downloaded and ready to go.  Soon the exciting part will begin !